Abstract: This paper is devoted to research in the field of political science and deals with the study of the influence of political communications on the formation of a certain image of a political subject in the population.The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the modern world can not be imagined without communications. Our society depends on information technology and the state, as the most influential institution in the life of any person and society can not exist without circulation of information. In recent decades, the greatest influence on the formation of public opinion about government structures, the work of government bodies, etc. Have organizations that, according to them, are not progovernment.
But the current situation, when the opinion of such organizations is found in the absolute for the population and influences the state decisions, makes us consider the relationship and mutual influence of the main political subject and international non-profit organization WikiLeaks in more detail.
Аннотация: Данная работа посвящена исследованиям, лежащим в области политологии и касается изучения влияния политических коммуникаций на формирование у населения определенного образа политического субъекта. Актуальность темы заключается в том, что современный мир невозможно представить без коммуникаций.